I love reading. I generally reach for a book when I find myself with free time (I have a two-year-old, so that's generally before 7am, after 8pm, or during his nap on the weekend).
About 2 months ago I picked up Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I tried it a couple years ago and it didn't really click... Well, let me tell you, this time it clicked. So much so that I haven't cracked open the book I bought on a trip to Providence in early October. So much so that I was feeling guilty my reading was falling by the wayside.
Then, I let go. I let myself be immersed and enchanted. My hobbies aren't going anywhere. I'm not skipping meals or ignoring my family (My wife likes it? Or at least endures it. I know she likes the Koroks. Occasionally I'll play while my little guy is awake, he calls it "Lady in the Grass").
I finished the main story a few days before Christmas, and picked up my book again today. I'm excited to get back to it, in a way I haven't felt in a while. Maybe it's good to get wrapped up in something to the exclusion of others every once in a while.
That's the thing about hobbies - you do them because they're how you choose to spend your time. They don't define you, even though it can feel that way sometimes ("I'm a reader/gamer/climber, etc"). Put them down from time to time. When you pick them back up, you'll probably enjoy them more! And if you never pick them back up it might mean you were holding on for no real reason.